Sunday, October 5, 2014


So, a big day today.

Brian's Mate is both a Rainbow Award Honorable Mention and a Rainbow Award Finalist in the Gay Paranormal Romance  section.  (It's still on sale at Dreamspinner, too.)

And...I just signed a contract for the second book in this series!!  :-D  It's currently called "Farn's Son," though I hope we can find a better title before it comes out.  (If you recall, Farn...and his son...were sort of the villains in Brian's Mate, so hopefully you'll find this interesting!  Farn isn't exactly homophobic...he just doesn't want his own son to be gay.  But his son is...and that means striking out on his own and finding a way to build a life.

It's tentatively scheduled for May / June 2015 from Dreamspinner Press.  I'm excited!!  :-)  (This is a full length novel so it will be out in print!)

(By the way, My Partner the Wolf, which isn't published through DSP, is in the same universe, but with a completely different slant or focus.  My Dreamspinner wolf title(s) more or less revolve around family and mates and sweet relationship growth.  Partner revolves around angst...with a little crime solving thrown in!  But mostly angst, to be honest.  ;)  I hope to write lots more in each vein, but...we'll see!  :-D

In other news, I am currently reading the Whyborne and Griffin series (loving it!!!) and recently fell in love with Amy Crook's books "The Courtship of Julian St. Albans" and "The Apprenticeship of Julian St. Albans."  So sweet!  (I've actually been reading lots more but I've been too busy to post properly about them all.  There are so many good books out there!!)

Also tried my hands at Twitter fic...not sure that's the perfect format for me, LOL.  ;)

You guys take care now, and I hope you have a great week.


  1. I'm so freaking excited & happy for you :-) Squee!!!! And more books coming :-) I honestly haven't tried the Whyborne series you mentioned, so after I finish with the Rainbow Reviews for December, they're on my list to read :-) *Hugs* <3

    1. Thank you so much - you're so kind!! :-) I do think you'll like the Whyborne books (although they can get a little scary, I'm enjoying them!!). Also, I'll send you your copy of my latest shortly. (((Hugs))) :-D
