Monday, September 1, 2014

Robert and Louie

Hired to redecorate the Skeffield country home, Louie is both attracted to Robert Skeffield and abashed by him in equal measures. Louie, who favors bright clothing and has never been called butch in his life, has little in common with gorgeous, masculine, and closeted army officer Robert. But not everything is as it appears, at Skeffield Manor or in their hearts… 

Takes place after "Wes and Kit"

This story contains some minor steampunk elements, magical elements, mysterious elements, flirting, a dog, and a strawberry-colored waistcoat.

Sensual rating: very low

Length: 30,500 words 


Amazon UK:

If you need a review copy or a different format, please write to me!  Thank you.  :-)


  1. I finished this book yesterday...I really enjoy reading your steampunk novels/novellas!!! The characters seem to just leap off the page :-) cannot wait for your next works (my #1s 'feeling down must read' books of yours still are The One for Me, Strawberry Fields, and Yours, Johnny :-) )

  2. Aww thank you!!! <3 Your words mean so much to me!!!

    I like the title Strawberry Fields much better than the one I ended up using, actually!! (I'm just not sure if I could've legally used it because of the song that has that in the title. I think.)

    Anyway, thank you!!! You made my day. *hugs* :-)
